Web3 in Healthcare: Ventures Gaining Traction

Web3 technology, characterised by decentralisation and blockchain, is reshaping healthcare in significant ways. It ensures secure data management, enhances interoperability, empowers patients with data control, accelerates research, ensures supply chain transparency, automates payments, and aids regulatory compliance. These advancements signify a pivotal shift towards more efficient, secure, and patient-centric healthcare systems.

At Adapt, we believe that this shift aligns with our mission to improve efficiency and sustainability through technology. Web3 has undoubtedly experienced a hype cycle like no other, often utilised in ways that haven't portrayed it positively.

Decentralisation and blockchain have long been solutions in search of problems, frequently deemed excessive and irrelevant in many scenarios presented as idealistic utopias. However, given the vast scope of healthcare and its extensive need for information exchange among providers and departments, a unified blockchain for healthcare data could potentially be the breakthrough Web3 has been striving for.

Several ventures are demonstrating how Web3 can address some of healthcare’s most pressing challenges, and their successes underline the transformative potential of this new paradigm.


Medicalchain uses blockchain to store health records securely, granting patients control over their data. This system improves data accuracy and security, crucial for building patient trust. By decentralising data storage, Medicalchain ensures that records are tamper-proof and easily accessible. For Adapt, this model exemplifies how technology can streamline operations and enhance data security, core elements of our approach.


MediBloc decentralises patient records, empowering patients with ownership of their medical information. This ensures comprehensive and up-to-date records for healthcare providers, enhancing diagnosis and treatment accuracy. MediBloc's seamless data sharing eliminates redundant tests and procedures, thereby improving overall healthcare efficiency and reducing costs. At Adapt, we see this as a vital step towards a more integrated and patient-centric healthcare system.


Solve.Care streamlines healthcare administration using blockchain and smart contracts, reducing costs and improving efficiency in scheduling, payments, and referrals. This comprehensive tool manages chronic diseases and wellness programs, allowing healthcare professionals to focus more on patient care. Adapt views this as a perfect illustration of how technology can reduce administrative burdens and enhance the overall patient experience.


Patientory combines blockchain with IoT to create a secure platform for patient data, ensuring data integrity and facilitating seamless sharing among authorised users. This improves patient care coordination and allows for real-time updates and monitoring of patient health metrics. Patientory's approach highlights how integrating IoT with blockchain can lead to more efficient and effective patient management, especially for chronic conditions.

Nebula Genomics

Nebula Genomics uses blockchain to give individuals control over their genomic data, allowing them to sell their data to researchers while maintaining anonymity. This accelerates personalised medicine and genomic research. Adapt recognises the importance of such models in advancing scientific discoveries while ensuring data privacy and fair compensation for data contributors.

These ventures highlight the potential of Web3 in healthcare. By enhancing data security, improving patient control, and streamlining processes, Web3 technology is starting to make some interesting moves in the industry. The decentralisation of data empowers us as patients, giving us greater control over our health information while ensuring privacy and security—principles we at Adapt prioritise.

Moreover, Web3 technology contributes to cost savings by reducing administrative overhead and eliminating inefficiencies. For instance, the use of smart contracts in platforms like Solve.Care minimises the need for intermediaries, speeding up transactions and reducing costs. This aligns with Adapt’s commitment to using technology to improve operational efficiency and sustainability.

Web3 also enhances interoperability among healthcare systems. Traditionally, healthcare data is siloed, making it difficult to share and integrate information. There are many examples of this to be seen within the inner-workings of the NHS. Blockchain’s decentralised nature breaks down these silos, enabling seamless data exchange and fostering collaboration among healthcare providers. This leads to better patient outcomes, as healthcare professionals have access to a complete and accurate overview of a patient’s health history—an approach we champion at Adapt.

Finally, the impact of Web3 on research and innovation is profound. Platforms like Nebula Genomics drive advancements in personalised medicine by providing researchers with access to diverse genetic data. This accelerates the development of targeted therapies and treatments, ultimately improving patient care. At Adapt, we support such initiatives that harness the power of technology to push the boundaries of healthcare innovation.

The adoption of Web3 technology in healthcare is gaining momentum, and ventures like Medicalchain, MediBloc, Solve.Care, Patientory, and Nebula Genomics are leading the way. They showcase how blockchain can enhance data security, improve patient control, and streamline processes. At Adapt, we are inspired by these advancements and committed to leveraging similar technologies to drive efficiency, sustainability, and innovation in healthcare.

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